NetBSD binary upgrade

       116 words, 1 minutes

To upgrade the NetBSD from one version to another (greater), grab the archives from the nearest mirror. By default, check here .

Start booting the new kernel :

# tar xzpvf kern-GENERIC.tgz -C /  
# reboot

If everything went well, you can proceed to upgrading the userland:

# for i in base comp games man misc text x*; do  
> tar xzpvf $i.tgz -C /  
> done  
# mkdir /tmp/tmproot  
# tar xzpvf etc.tgz -C /tmp/tmproot  
# postinstall -s /tmp/tmproot check  
# (.. run the command postinstall gave you ..)  
# etcupdate -s /tmp/tmproot  
# reboot

You should now have an upgraded (and still working system). Proceed to the packages upgrade (using pkg_add -uu or pkg_chk).