Complete (almost) Mail Server with NetBSD

       1179 words, 6 minutes

Those are the directions I used to setup an almost complete OpenSource Mail server running NetBSD and pkgsrc. The Mail server will feature: E-mail exchange (MX) role on the Internet; E-mail gateway (SMTP) for internal LAN users ; E-mail access (IMAP) for internal LAN users ; Secured (TLS and SASL) access for internal users; Greylisting, RFC check and RBL mail filtering ; Directory (LDAP) for e-mail entries ;

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Chroot MySQL on NetBSD

       364 words, 2 minutes

Installing MySQL on NetBSD is really easy with pkgsrc. But chrooting it requires a few particular steps.

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Chroot OpenLDAP on NetBSD

       483 words, 3 minutes

Installing a LDAP directory on NetBSD is really easy with OpenLDAP and pkgsrc. But chrooting it requires a few particular steps.

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Traffic routing through VPN

       81 words, 1 minutes

In my actual configuration, OpenVPN provides a remote DNS and only routes traffic to the internal LAN. Every public traffic is kept out of the VPN. Yesterday, I wanted to route every traffic through my VPN ; to masquerade my 3G IP address :-D

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Backup and restore MySQL

       161 words, 1 minutes

I used backup/restore to move my databases from one server to another.

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