DSM 5.1 on Synology DS409slim

       81 words, 1 minutes

Since I turned my DS409slim into a DS411j , I have access to DSM updates. So tonight, I upgraded from DSM 5.0-4528 Update 1 to 5.1-5004 using the update wizard. So far, everything went OK. On first reboot, I was recommended to keep my DSM up-to-date using automatic upgrade. As I don’t want my NAS to reboot while I’m working on it, I choose to “Download DSM updates but let me choose whether to install them”.

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DSM 5 on Synology DS409slim

       513 words, 3 minutes

Looking at the DiskStation DS414slim, I discovered that DSM was now available in version 5. But it wasn’t available from the DSM 4.2 control panel on my DS409slim. After a few Internet diggings, I learned that it should be possible to install DSM5 on a DS409slim. The main trick is to fake another DS. Looking at CPUs in Synology’s NAS, you can see that DS409slim and DS411j share the same Marvell Kirkwood mv6281 CPU and 16-bit@DDR2 architecture. That’s the trick to be able to use DSM5 on DS409slim.

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Using Hitachi Travelstar 5K1000 in Synology DS409slim

       416 words, 2 minutes

The other day, my Syno DS409slim started beeping. It turned out that two of the Toshiba MK1059GSM disks had SMART errors. I wanted to get some new but they are not available any more. After looking at my preferred e-shop, I finally went for Hitachi Travelstar 5K1000 (HTS541010A9E680). It is not listed in “What hard drive models are supported by Synology products?” page. But it seems to be working fine ; for a bit more than three weeks now. Here’s a small summary about replacing the disks on Synology DS409slim using DSM 4.2 and SHR volume.

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