IT consulting

In theory there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice there is.

About us

TuM'Fatig is my personnal website. This is a place where I write down all the g33k stuff I do. It mainly deals with Free Software because what I like to do is check what can be done with having to get an expensive peace of software. If you read and like what I do, don't hesitate to leave a comment on the main website section and share it.

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Latest news

06 Aug. 2011, Corporate Website
We've already seen how to create personnal and semi-pro newsletters. This time, we're gonna see how to create a corporate website.

23 Mar. 2011, Newsletter
You lead an association, a virtual shop or are a semi-professional performer and want to advertise about what you did and will do? What about sending a newsletter to your users and prospects.

01 Oct. 1998, System Administrator
The first job I got was as a SysAdmin in a university in Paris, France. Thanks to a friend of mine, I could study and earn money in the same time. And evntually meet my wife...

Original layout from Invention by sdworkz