
Solve a "Submit For Review" issue on WordPress

       300 words, 2 minutes

Lately, I couldn’t publish any more articles on my WordPress instance. Instead of the “Publish” button, I only got “Submit For Review”. As I upgraded WordPress recently, I thought this might be either a new feature or some permissions that were dropped ; but I just couldn’t find any. After a few dig&read on the Internet, most of this behavior seemed to reveal a problem with the database. And I recently had a few bunch of crashes on the infrastructure ; thanks to my electric power provider…

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Manually change WordPress’ home and siteurl in MySQL

       296 words, 2 minutes

In my tidy process, I had to copy WordPress from one host to another, then access it from various URLs so that the production and the development versions were both accessible from the same public IP. To duplicate the data in a fast manner, I dumped the SQL data and tarred the WWW directory. The problem is that WordPress’ home and siteurl are kept the same between those instances. And since you try to access the administration zone, you’re redirected to the original location… To modify the duplicated instance, you can configure WordPress straight from MySQL. Here are the directions:

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Configure SOGo to use MySQL socket

       109 words, 1 minutes

When connecting SOGo with MySQL, you may either use a remote or a local server. To use a remote server, you’ll configure SOGo with such directives: SOGoProfileURL = "mysql://sogouser:sogopass@mysqlhost:3306/sogodbname/sogo_user_profile"; To use a local MySQL server, you will need to access the mysql.socket file. And when it is secured with chroot&friends, the mysql.sock may not be where SOGo expects it. I have mine located at /var/chroot/mysql/mysql.sock. Normally, you would modify my.cnf to refer to the MySQL socket file.

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Tune MySQL on NetBSD and OpenBSD

       151 words, 1 minutes

For quite a few days now, in my “optimize than damm WordPress” quest, I’m playing with Ubuntu, NetBSD and OpenBSD in (VMware Fusion) virtual machines and spare hardware I have. One of the idea is to optimize MySQL on those systems. The MySQL configuration file in named my.cnf and is not located in the same place on every systems…

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Manage MySQL on a Synology DS409slim

       123 words, 1 minutes

Here’s the way to install, run and manage MySQL on a Synology DS409slim. My DiskStation runs DSM 3.1-1748. First of all, activate the MySQL dæmon: From the Control Panel, choose the Web Services ; Enable Web Station and Enable MySQL ;

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