
Self-host a password manager on OpenBSD

       1006 words, 5 minutes

I’ve been using Rubywarden to store and access my passwords from OpenBSD workstations and iOS toys. But recent redondant failures from the iOS App and rubywarden not being maintained anymore led to the need for a new solution. I was investing on pass+pgp+git but it was quite complex. Following a toot from Solene@, I tried KeePassXC and it does cover my requirements: Access and manage passwords from iOS devices ; Filling credentials in iOS apps ; Accessible and manageable from an OpenBSD and MacOS workstation.

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iOS 5 Camera, Access from Lock screen on iPhone 4

       104 words, 1 minutes

I’ve just upgraded my iPhone 4 to iOS 5 and was looking for the “Access from Lock screen” feature as it didn’t show up automatically. I was afraid that the feature would not be enabled on the iPhone 4… After a long digging process in the preferences and a quick look on the Internet, I found that the feature was enabled using the “Home” button. In fact, it’s quite easy to use:

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Dual SIM on the iPhone 4

       266 words, 2 minutes

Because I have a personal phone and a professional one, I decided to try a double-SIM adapter for the iPhone. I got one from [here][1]. The iPhone does not have to be jailbreaked ; mine runs the stock iOS 4.3.5. It had to be unsimlocked though as my personal provider is not the same as the one from work. Namely, it worked with both Bouygues Telecom and SFR. You cannot have both SIM available at the same time.

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