Mac Os X

Let Mac OS auto-discover your SMB shares

       173 words, 1 minutes

Mac OS can mount and read SMB shares. But with Samba only, you have to tell the Mac where there are. With avahi-daemon, SMB shares will be automatically discovered.

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FTP server on MacOS X Lion

       123 words, 1 minutes

Can’t remember why, but I needed to transfer files from my MacBook using FTP. There is no way to enable FTP from the System Preferences. But you can enable/disable it from the console: # sudo -s launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ftp.plist # netstat -na | grep LISTEN tcp6 0 0 *.21 *.* LISTEN tcp4 0 0 *.21 *.* LISTEN (...) Once enabled, you can log in using the usual user account. To disable the daemon, simply:

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Mac OS X Lion on vSphere ESXi 5

       348 words, 2 minutes

I find my MacBook Pro mid-2009 quite slow when rendering my personal H.264. I would like to see if the Sandy Bridge Core i5 2500T in my hypervisor does a better job. So I installed Mac OS X Lion as a virtual machine on my ESXi v5. I’m not sure about licensing… Purchasing Lion for App Store for your Mac, you seem to have the right to install it on every Mac you own… My Hypervisor is not a Mac… But I bought Lion… Anyway, here’s a simple way to install Mac OS X Lion in ESXi 5.

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