
Ads blocking with OpenBSD unbound(8)

       1838 words, 9 minutes

The Internet is full of Ads and Trackers. And a way to avoid those is to simply not reach the stinky servers. This can be partially done using a local DNS resolver. This article is a reboot of both the 2019 Blocking Ads using unbound on OpenBSD and Storing unbound logs into InfluxDB posts ; hopefully improved.

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Running the Searx metasearch engine on OpenBSD

       1603 words, 8 minutes

Searx is a free metasearch engine. This means that it will aggregate search results from several search engines, like Bing, DuckDuckGo, Google or Qwant. But it will also use search engines from services like DailyMotion, DeviantArt, FramaLibre, GitHub, Reddit or Wikipedia to extract search results. For more information, have a look at the searx online documentation . It also removes Cookies and generate a random profile for each request you do.

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Blocking Ads using unbound(8) on OpenBSD

       416 words, 2 minutes

The Internet is full of Ads and Trackers. Some of them are useful to monetize free content. Some are used in a non-ethical manner. Savvy users will configure Ad-Blocker on their Web browser. Others won’t. Most Appliance and IoT modules won’t allow third-party blocking addons. Here’s how to add an extra layer of privacy using OpenBSD and its unbound(8) DNS resolver.

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