
Starting third-party daemons on OpenBSD

       87 words, 1 minutes

Since OpenBSD 4.9, third-party daemons, like MySQL, come with a rc.d script to start, stop and manage the daemon. Once the package is installed, the managing script is available in /etc/rc.d/. To start a daemon, just run: # /etc/rc.d/mysqld start Now, if you want the daemon to automagically start on boot: check that the script is executable: # ls -alh /etc/rc.d/mysqld -r-xr-xr-x 1 root bin 461B Feb 23 22:16 /etc/rc.d/mysqld reference it in the RC configuration file: # vi /etc/rc.conf.local (...) mysqld_flags="--socket=/var/run/mysql/mysql.sock" (...) rc_scripts="mysqld" (...) Quite simple!

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